Better RSS management for MinionsAccounts
If you are using Minions or have lots of accounts, trying to keep track of which RSS feeds are going to which accounts is a real bear the way things work now. Also, when adding a new feed, the search only lets you match one single name, not multiples, so if I want to add a new feed and have it post to 3 different Minion's accounts, there's no way to select all 3 of them. Instead you have to spend forever scrolling through a huge list of accounts to try and find them manually.

If you only have a few accounts it may not be an issue, but if you are using Minions it becomes a real problem to manage it. So you either need a way to search & select on multiple names, or alternatively, the ability to define ad-hoc groups (with multiple memberships possible, i.e. you can be in multiple groups), and then to be able to select that group for the RSS target.

The application of this would be create a Fitness group for example, and in that group you place several different Minion's accounts. Then you add a Fitness RSS feed, and just select that group, instead of having to click through all the accounts.

Limiting the number of posts per day would also be very nice.
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Brian Dunn
shared this idea
18th August 2015
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