Auto-createupdate {spintax} description text for video site posts (YT, etc)
Joe notes in the Video SEO cheatsheet that having 300-600 word descriptions for videos will make them more likely to stand out for Google to notice. It's good advice, but PAT doesn't do that (nor does it do any spinning); it just adds 1-2 lines that you supply (basically enough for company name / URL / phone).

It's understandable why this happens, bcs YT editor isn't designed to handle more than short text and was never expected / intended to be used via an auto-posting tool like PAT...

But this leaves (us) with hundreds / thousands of videos that have no descriptions that look like a human wrote the text. ("Looks like a spam post-bot uploaded this vid... next!)

This lowers the chances that Google is going to notice and rank our video(s) in the SERPs. Wasted effort! :(

With Syndwire triggers set up to notice these vids in our PAT / YT channels so and then further blast them across the net to other sites, this compounds the problem. Ie, lots of videos everywhere but they're not picked up, and even if they are they'll be glanced at and then promptly ignored. D'oh! :(

FIX: need a feature extension for PAT to be able to add full spintax-enabled Description text to the videos as they are initially posted by PAT.

Now, there may be no way to do that on the initial PAT creation/post run... so perhaps it's better to create an add-on / extension for PAT to use a list of URLs of existing videos (results from the initial PAT run) as a feed-in to then go back with spintax- / token-enabled text and update the video Descriptions.

So when Syndwire triggers notice the new channel videos, when it blasts them out to more video sites and YT accounts, the correct (full) video description text would/should be carried along with the mass-blast to the new channels and sites.

As it is, there's no way in the world anybody will ever go and manually update hundreds or thousands of videos with useful description text. Updating the video description text fields is a tedious, time-consuming task that you'd never try -- and you wouldn't pay an outsource VA to do it either since it's a mindless time-suck task for humans (wasting their time and your money paying them to do it)...

This is a clear task for automation wins because it needs to be done in order to make Google happy for ranking (and potential clients too for watching/acting on the vids)... but no human will want to do it manually.
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shared this idea
2nd June 2017
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